Request for Proposals

Community Engagement for EVs in Underserved Markets

This Request for Proposals is issued to contract with Community Based and Nonprofit Organizations (CBOs) to achieve a common understanding of and develop plans for the Plug-in Electrical Vehicle (PEV) market within Disadvantaged Communities (DACs) in Missouri and Kansas through community listening sessions.

Community listening sessions are expected to identify and improve or address the following concerns:

  • community level understanding of PEVs and charging stations
  • key challenges in siting and installing charging stations for the community
  • other key community considerations
  • key partners and site owners who may be interested in installing charging stations

Environmental justice is the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people, regardless of race, color, national origin, or income, with respect to the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies. This goal will be achieved when everyone enjoys the same degree of protection from environmental and health hazards, and equal access to the decision-making process to have a healthy environment in which to live, learn, and work.

  • RFP Issue Date
  • Pre-Proposal Webinar
  • RFP Questions Deadline
  • RFP Submission Deadline
  • Expected Date for MEC Selection Notification
  • Expected Timeframe for Award Negotiations
  • 1/11/2024
  • 1/30/2024 10:00 AM CT
  • 2/22/2024
  • 2/27/2024 2:00 PM CT
  • 3/5/2024
  • March 2024

Request for Proposals

MEC RFP guidance document (click to download PDF)

Budget Form (click to download Excel file)

Attachment A OUTLINE for Proposal Narrative (click to download Word doc)

Attachment B EXAMPLE Detailed Work Plan (click to download Word doc)

Pre-Proposal Webinar and Information

A Pre-Proposal webinar was held on January 30, 2024. During the meeting, MEC staff conducted a walk-through of the RFP and required proposal documents. The meeting was recorded. Use the link below to watch the recording.

Click to View the Webinar Recording on YouTube.

NOTE: Please accept our apologies for the technical failures that made it impossible for us to present the webinar live with a Q&A. We look forward to receiving your questions at

Application Assistance

If you require assistance with your proposal, contact Djessicka Saintil for assistance. Djessicka will not be involved in evaluating proposals. Questions she receives that would benefit any applicant will be answered publicly via the Q&A section below.

Questions and Answers

Proposers are encouraged to submit questions in writing to Jeff Windsor at Metropolitan Energy Center at by February 22, 2024. MEC will respond to all questions publicly via this FAQ. Emails should use the subject line: “Query for DOE RFP”.

Q1. Do you have examples of proposals for this?

A1. No. However, Attachments A and B of the RFP gives an outline of what we are looking for in your proposal submission. If you need assistance with your proposal, you may contact Djessicka Saintil. Attachments A and B are also posted above as standalone downloadable links.

Source of Funds / More Information

This program is funded under the project titled Electric Vehicles in Underserved Markets, award number DE-EE0009863, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Energy. The EVUM project leverages investments by industry and municipal agencies to put to work the emerging and mature electric vehicle charging technology within a broad and equitable market in Kansas and Missouri.