Stay informed of the unmet needs of underserved communities in Kansas and Missouri
Through community organizing and energy efficiency education the Hub provides policymakers and building officials with the data, tools and trainings that will allow them to:
Support sustainable housing
Share relevant regional issues around energy sustainability and solutions
REPORT: Health Impacts of Weatherization and Energy Efficiency
WEBINAR: What Is an Energy Code, Anyway? (an on-demand webinar)
REPORT: KC Region Building Energy Codes and Standards (2020)
FACT SHEET: 2021 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC 2021)
WEBSITE: Johnson County KS Contractor Licensing Program (Kansas) The program offers a variety of resources for continuing education credit. Classes are available to anyone and touch on a variety of topics including energy efficiency and the IECC.
WEBSITE: U.S. Department of Energy Building Energy Codes Program (BECP) (National) View a variety of training resources related to the world of energy codes, ranging from overviews to a variety of special topics and tutorials.
Start your journey to a more energy efficient and healthy home or building.
About Us
Metropolitan Energy Center (MEC) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Our mission is to create resource efficiency, environmental health, and economic vitality in the Kansas City region – and beyond. Learn more about us and our programs.
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