Success Stories
Check out energy efficiency success stories across Kansas and Missouri through policy, training, education, and collaboration.
In the summer of 2022, Metropolitan Energy Center and Energy Smart Institute offered a building energy codes training series sponsored by the City of Kansas City, MO. This course provided an overview of the history of the commercial energy codes in the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) and the development of multiple compliance paths. Over 50 building code officials, contractors, and professionals representing 10 Kansas City Region municipalities attended. Here’s what they had to say:

“Thank you Metropolitan Energy Center and Energy Smart Institute for this course! Very informative training for those that are less experienced in; to those that are well-versed in the Energy Code, well taught! Great for Code Officials, Building Inspectors, building industry at all levels involved in design, construction and enforcement to understand and meet the ICC minimum efficiency standards for buildings. Most of all they did this all at no cost to the participants and provided free ICC continuing Education credits! Highly recommend this class when available again.”

“My favorite experience of the class was getting free [IECC 2021 code] books and swag!”

“My favorite moment of the course was the interaction with the class. Everyone got involved with the questions.”
Kansas City, Missouri Offerings
Our Project Living Proof (PLP) demonstration home is an interactive home that provides tangible examples of energy efficiency in a retrofitted historic home.
Empirical Facts and Statistical Proof
As part of its service to the region, the Hub collects and makes readily accessible data that helps businesses, policymakers, and service providers make more energy-efficient decisions. By connecting with communities across the region, the Hub is working to:
- Develop a working understanding of the region’s energy consumption choices
- Refer customers to pertinent energy efficiency solutions and simplify communications challenges
- Create a Healthy Housing Taskforce with members from the residential, commercial, and policymaking sector
A Future Worth Working Toward
A key focus of the Hub is to promote all of the collaborations outlined above in an effort to change residential and commercial behavior about energy conservation. Through this, we hope to create healthier communities that consume less energy. Some anticipated outcomes include:
- An increase in energy-efficiency related employment
- Creating healthier residential and commercial buildings
Start your journey to a more energy efficient and healthy home or building.
About Us
Metropolitan Energy Center (MEC) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Our mission is to create resource efficiency, environmental health, and economic vitality in the Kansas City region – and beyond. Learn more about us and our programs.