The Electric Car Experience – POSTPONED

You’ve seen them, even if you weren’t really looking. A Tesla zipping along I-435, a Leaf silently moving across the grocery store parking lot, a Bolt gliding by the gas station as you filled up. Electric cars are increasingly part of America’s automotive landscape, though still a small percentage of what’s on the road today.

So, ever wonder what it would be like to drive one? Well, here’s your chance.

Metropolitan Energy Center, with generous support from Evergy, is rolling out the Electric Car Experience. It’s a zero-pressure way for you to drive multiple makes and models of all-electric cars and plug-in hybrids.  Stay in town?  Hit the highway?  Your choice.  And all done without sales staff, and with volunteers who own and drive their own electric cars.

The Electric Car Experience is coming POSTONED to United Methodist Church of the Resurrection in Leawood at 13720 Roe in Leawood, from 10:00 to 4:00. COR has kindly offered the use of their space as part of their commitment to a more sustainable world. We’ll have our EV fleet in the parking lot just south of the sanctuary.  All you’ll need to do is follow the signs.

Consider this blog entry a placeholder.  All registrations to test drive (or just ride along, if you prefer) will be done online and hosted by Evergy.  Watch this space for further details in the next few weeks!

If you own an EV or PHEV, and would be willing to volunteer, we’d love to have you along for the ride. Please visit to learn more and sign up for this exciting outreach event.